
Every rumor about the Xbox 720

More rumors about the Xbox 720 appear now than just internet gossip. However, it is one thing to wildly speculate about the next Xbox console.
Microsoft also plan to gear up to build one.
According to reports in late October 2011, the next generation Xbox console will launch at E3 in 2013. Develop claims to have been told by that multiple sources, from chip manufacturers to middleware firms, to expect the console to arrive at the gaming expo in June 2013.
So let’s gather together the facts and the half-whispered untruths to expect to see what such a machine might be like.
Love it or hate it, gesture-control is here to stay. Expect an improved version of Microsoft's Kinect hardware to be a prominent feature of any new Xbox. Kinect is currently the world's "fastest selling consumer electronics device" with sales topping 10 million.
But the game pad will remain the input device of choice for veteran gamers. We can't imagine playing “Gears of War 4”by waving our arms around. It lacks precision.
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